Sunday, October 20, 2013

Parts of long bones

1.      The shaft of the long bone is called
a)      Epiphysis
b)     Hypophysis
c)      Diaphysis
d)     Periosteum
e)      Haversian system

2.      The wide ends of the long bones are called
a)      Hypophysis
b)     Diaphysis
c)      Epiphysis
d)     Endostium
e)      Epiphyseal plate

3.      Hard bone beneath periosteum mainly found in shaft
a)      Spongy bone
b)     Compact bone

4.      Thin hyaline cartilage layer that covers epiphyses of bones
a)      Periosteum
b)     Endostium
c)      Articular cartilage
d)     Costal cartilage
e)      Intervertebral discs

5.      Outermost fibrous layer that supplies blood and nerves to the bone
a)      Periosteum
b)     Endosteum

6.      Thin layer of connective tissue that lines the surface of the bony tissue that forms the medullary cavity of long bones
a)      Endosteum
b)     Periosteum

7.      Hollow space within the shaft of the long bones filled with bone marrow
a)      Pleura
b)     Medullary cavity
c)      Ventricle
d)     Atrium

8.      The following is (are) not a long bone (s)
a)      Phalanges
b)     Metacarpals
c)      Humerus
d)     Sternum
e)      Femur

9.      The following bone is classified as irregular
a)      Frontal
b)     Radius
c)      Sternum
d)     Parietal
e)      Sphenoid

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