1. What is NOT a function of the kidneys
a) Erythropoietin production
b) Renin production
c) Vitamin D activation
d) Removing wastes
e) pH regulation
f) Water balance
g) Angiotensin activation
2. What could explain that patients with renal failure develop anemia?
a) The kidneys destroy red blood cells
b) The kidneys don’t produce enough red blood cells
c) The kidneys break down hemoglobin
d) None of the above
The kidneys fail to produce erythropoietin.
The kidneys fail to produce erythropoietin.
3. The normal pH balance of blood plasma is approximately 7.4. If it falls below 7.35, a state of acidosis exists and if it rises above 7.45, a state of alkalosis exists. If a patient has a blood pH of 7.21, what do you think the kidneys will do?
a) Eliminate H ions
b) Retain H ions
c) Increase renin production
d) Increase erythropoietin production
e) The kidneys don’t work when pH is below 7.4
For more questions about pH regulation by the kidneys go to the section Regulation of the blood pH by the kidneys
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